Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Katy Thakkar intro

Hi! I'm a first-year Ph.D. student in Clinical Psychology, and I will be working with Dr. Peter Brugger at the Neurology Clinic at the University of Zurich, examining mental rotation and visuospatial perspective taking in patients with focal parietal lesions.

I just arrived in Zurich yesterday, and today spent my first day at work in the hospital. I'm trying to pick up some German while I'm here--so far, the best learning tools are the digital errors that pop up on the espesso machine (mainly because I'm highly motivated to understand them). My repetoire of German conversation-starters now includes (and is limited to): "Fill the beans" and "Clean the filter". I also learned how to say cucumber (gorken).

But very much looking forward to the research opportunity and traveling around Switzerland. And eating banana yogurt (a sadly undersold commodity in the U.S.).

My e-mail address is katy.thakkar@vanderbilt.edu if you'd like to get in touch!


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