Thursday, September 4, 2008

Impressions of Summer School in Basel

Wow! What a great opportunity it was to study with the Institute of Nursing Science at the University of Basel. The intensive week long summer school in advanced statistical methods helped me refine my reseach ideas and provided a comprehensive overview of the advanced statistics I've been studying. It was exhilarating to brush up on SPSS techniques and have my dissertation project asessed by experts as well as peer reviewed!
Some of the highlights of the trip was of course using the public transportation system, the trams, buses and trains! It was easy to get around the city and experience the ambience.
The Thursday evening presentation about the Swiss health care system and the 2 hour of sightseeing of Bern by scooter were informative. I was impressed by the chocolate treats and the leckerli. Before the summer school I was able to meet up with my brother in law who lives across the border in Rosenau, France. We spent a day touring the Koenigsburg Castle, Riquier and Kaysersburg, tasting wine and macaroons. Incidentally, for those of you who want know, he is the proud parent of a beautiful daughter born 2 days after I returned from Switzerland.
All in all, the experience in Switzerland was a blast! I can't wait to come back.

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