Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Goodbye, Au Revoir, Auf Wiedersehen

My time here in Washington DC at the Office of Science, Technology and Higher Education is coming to an end. For the last six months I’ve been coordinating the ThinkSwiss Research Scholarship and Travel Grants for Summer Schools program. As of January 1, I’m handing over the reins to my successor Benjamin Newman Martinez.

Goodbye to all 2009 ThinkSwiss participants: It has been a pleasure working with 47 motivated, young U.S. researchers like you and reading about your adventures in Switzerland during your research stay or summer school. All the best to you and a lot of success in your academic career!

I wish you and the whole ThinkSwiss community peaceful and happy holidays and an inspiring and creative year 2010!

Office of Science, Technology and Higher Education
Embassy of Switzerland in Washington, D.C.